But enought about the Studium. It is the Punctum that really shocks the viewer. A quick definition of Punctum by Roland Barthe: it inspires an intensely private meaning, one that is suddenly, unexpectedly recognized and consequently remembered (it "shoots out of [the photograph] like an arrow and pierces me”); it ‘escapes’ language.[1] For me this image is a reminder of the many personal experiences that I had while I spent two years in a city very different than any other city you will find on the west coast. It will be different for another person, as life experiences, culture and childhood upbringing have uniquely shaped him or her. As for myself, this outrageous image brings back some memories that can only be labeled similarly.
[1] Barthe , Roland. Camera Lucida—Reflections on Photography . MA thesis. The University of Chicago, New York: Hill and Wang, 1981. Web. <http://csmt.uchicago.edu/annotations/barthescamera.htm>.
Lovely! (NOT). You know what i mean. Nice post (the photo still cracks me up as i see the truck taking this obvi deceased deer to the ER). Nice to include the definition from Barthes (sp) ... give a trackback to the site or a Works Cited entry when you do this in the future, k?